My last week in Mexico

What a wonderful last week it was in Mexico. Bittersweet! I will warn you right now that there are lots of pictures in this blog. I wanted to take pictures of the gifts, drawing and letters so I would always have them : ) I also had a few gatherings this week as people wanted to do one last thing before I left. This will be good for me to look back at later. I started this blog by posting the pictures at the Leon airport this morning. Then added descriptions to the pictures on the flight. Now, I am in the Atlanta airport and hoping to finish it before I board my final flight to Kansas. Thanks so much for prayers. It has been a great day of travel so far! I got upgraded to first class in my first flight. Connection was quick and easy in Monterry. I was a little worried as I only had 54 minutes for a layover there. I had a seat by the exit on the second flight, so had extra leg room. Plus a window seat : ) The guy in the middle moved to another open seat, so had extra space there to...