My last week in Mexico
What a wonderful last week it was in Mexico. Bittersweet! I will warn you right now that there are lots of pictures in this blog. I wanted to take pictures of the gifts, drawing and letters so I would always have them : ) I also had a few gatherings this week as people wanted to do one last thing before I left. This will be good for me to look back at later.
I started this blog by posting the pictures at the Leon airport this morning. Then added descriptions to the pictures on the flight. Now, I am in the Atlanta airport and hoping to finish it before I board my final flight to Kansas. Thanks so much for prayers. It has been a great day of travel so far!
I got upgraded to first class in my first flight. Connection was quick and easy in Monterry. I was a little worried as I only had 54 minutes for a layover there. I had a seat by the exit on the second flight, so had extra leg room. Plus a window seat : ) The guy in the middle moved to another open seat, so had extra space there too. Customs and connection in Atlanta was easy too. As long as the flight stays on time. Hopefully I don't jinx it!
I enjoyed some good American food-chicken strips and french fries and listened to some piano music. It's a little weird to be understanding what almost everyone is saying! It feels good to be back in the United States, but it's also bittersweet as I miss my family and friends in Mexico. They will always have a special place in my heart!
Norma and Ricardo brought me to the airport this morning. We prayed for each on the drive there and we had some tears. We talked about all the cities we had visited and some of our many memories. Michelle had an exam, so wasn't able to join us. She snuck a sweet note under my door last night and made me cray this morning.
Last night I joined Ruth and her family for a meal and last visit before I headed out. We enjoyed tacos, jello, ice cream and cookies. I first met Ruth and her husband, daughter, son in law and 3 grand daughters at Pastor's retreat in November. Then her son Josias who teachers music at the school invited me to join them for church one Sunday. I didn't realized until they picked me up that Ruth was his mom. I had already met his family, but didn't know it. So glad that God crossed our paths again. She told me she has a room for me whenever I come back : )
Norma, Ricardo and I visited for a bit when I got home last night and exchanged some cards. They printed some pictures for me to take home. So thankful for this family and that they took this crazy American stranger into their home for 10 months. I can't imagine my life without them! Hoping they come to Minnesota to visit sometime, so they can meet the rest of my family and some more of my friends.
Sunday after church Norma and I enjoyed tacos with Liz, Raquel and a family from the school. Norma and I also stopped to visit our neighbor Bertha before I left. We also enjoyed on last Raspado and watched Matilda : )
Sunday morning was bittersweet at is was my last church service. Pastor shared on transitions and how we need to depend on the Lord. Very fitting as I transition back to the states. He also talked about how when we are obedient God will use us to do extraordinary things. I shared that same thing in my message : ) I was able to say thanks and share some of the things God has been teaching me while here in Mexico. I had many tears when I first started, but made it through. They were tears of joy as God has been so faithful, but also tears of sadness as I am sad to be leaving my family and friends in Mexico. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to share what you have been doing in my life.
Saturday I joined Raquel and her boys and we had a wonderful day at the waterpark. We got there about 11:30 and didn't leave until 7. Lots of sun and water. This was a great day for my last Saturday in Mexico. Norma, Ricardo and Michelle were going to meet us there, but Norma wasn't feeling well. Check out the pictures below. It was a beautiful water park.
Friday was my last day at the school. I finished submitting lesson plans and an exam, so Liz will have less work to do when I am not there. I don't want her to be stressed. We had a farewell party and enjoyed tacos, pizza and cake. The kids made pictures, gave me gifts and we even did a little dancing. The secondary class wanted me to dance, so they taught me a dance on Thursday. I am not a dancer, but did it for them. I will post a video on my Mexico Missions page later. I shared a few words and then Pastora Maribel, Liz and a couple students shared some words. There may have been some tears.
We also watched a video that one of the other teachers made. They shared it on my facebook page if you want to check it out. Then the teachers and some parents watched a video I made. I already watched it 3 times with each class, so I went and played bingo with the preschool class. I will see if I can post my video on facebook later too.
All that to say Friday was such a special time of saying good bye. So many hugs and love! Thank you Lord for all these relationships at school. I went with Liz after school and we enjoyed Raspados and watched a movie. Always so good to spend time with Liz and MIa.
My family went to Guanajuato Friday evening, so I packed up most of my stuff and did a little cleaning. My room was looking empty and sad. Glad I did that Friday so I could enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Thursday we enjoyed smores at school as a special treat before I left. I also brought a picture of Minnesota for the kids to color so they would always remember me. We were able to watch a video I made of our year. So fun to see how much they have grown since the beginning of the year. Check out pictures of smores fun below.
Earlier in the week I gave the kids a keychain from Minnesota, so they would always remember me. They were so thrilled to get this keychain. Some of the kids made me a pictures after I gave them their keychain.
Liz was sick this week, so I had to use my google translate a little more, but we made it through. While we missed her it was also nice to have the class to myself before I left.
Thursday night Norma's mom and sister came over for supper and we watched a movie. I made a smore for them to enjoy. Then Fanny and Mirian stopped by with a cheesecake. Fanny and I used to study once. a week or every other week when I first came, but we haven't studied much since I came back. It was nice to be able to say see you later : )
Wednesday I went to pray time all by myself as Norma was gone. Another bittersweet night as it was the last prayer time.
Tuesday I took the bus to have tacos with a few teacher friends from school. Then we walked around and took some pictures. We had our own little photo shoot thanks to Lilli's husband and Lilli. I also had my first motorcycle ride. It was only like 3 or 4 blocks, but it was fun. Check out pictures below. I will post a video on facebook : )
Lilli was telling me I need to find a Mexican man to marry and stay here. I told her we have 5 days to find one. Good news, we didn't find one : ) She told me she will take pictures and send them to me and I. can tell her ugly or not ugly. LOL!
Sunday at lunch Norma, Raquel and Liz were telling me I need to find a man in Minnesota and marry him. Then bring him back to Mexico with me. My mom kept telling me if I found a Mexican man, I would need to bring him to Minnesota. Let's see what God has planned : )
So yes, that was my last week in a nut shell. I will probably post at least one more blog as I will have some thoughts that come to me this week and will share how my transition home is going.
Praise God gave me strength these to get through these last 10 months. He was always with me.
Praise that God was able to use me in more ways than I could have every imagined.
Praise for the many prayer warriors.
Praise that I was able to share Sunday and it went well.
Praise for a great, but bittersweet last week in Mexico.
Praise for the many relationships and memories that were created in Mexico.
Praise for a great day of traveling and little blessings.
Pray as I transition back to the United States.
Praise that I get to spend time with family in Kansas before spending time with family and friends in Minnesota.
Pray for my family, friends, staff and students in Mexico as they adjust to me being gone.
Pray that they finish the school year strong. July 3rd is their last day
Pray for construction of the school and financial needs.
Pray for God to continue to guide and direct His plans and will for my life.
Feel free to check out the many pictures from this last week!

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