Happy Halloween from Mexico

I was going to post this weekend as I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend, but it ended up going by fast with lots of fun! There are LOTS of photos as it's been a week and a half since my last post and some fun things have happened : ) 

I am going to start with today and work my way backwards. Hopefully I can remember that far back : ) I forgot to share in my last post that my friend Margie sent another video of the Solo Sisters sharing messages. That was so fun! Feel free to create a video and text me or send a fun picture : ) If you are on Marco, add me and send a video there. Thank you Jenni and Amanda for videos on Marco  : ) 

Today, we went to a beautiful park for school. We walked around, did some relays, ate, played and worked together pedaling bikes. You will have to check out the pictures. I was reminded of how families are a community here in Mexico. Each family brought food to share to eat and boy did we have food : ) Beautiful weather at a beautiful park with beautiful people. I think I maybe even got a little burnt on my cheeks : ) 

Some people in Mexico celebrate Halloween, but Day of the Dead is a big thing here. It was different not having a party at school, but we had fun at the park! We don't have school tomorrow or Wednesday. It will be interesting to see the different things they do to celebrate Day of the Dead.

Yesterday, the time in Mexico changed. A week before the U.S. Then in the Spring,  I think we change 3 weeks after the U.S. So I got an extra hour of sleep and didn't realize it until Liz message me saying the schedule changed : ) There were 3 songs I knew at church.  I feel like that's God's way of reminding me He's got me covered! Had our family zoom, worked on some lesson plans and watched a movie with Marlen.

Saturday, I did a good dusting and cleaning in my room and washed my bedding. It smells so fresh in my room. I also talked with my sister Jenny for a bit.  Liz, her daughter Mia, Marlen and I enjoyed some pizza, fries and pop. Then Marlen did our nails while we watched a couple movies  : ) It was just Marlen and I home this weekend.  I wasn't sure how it would go as she doesn't speak much English and I am working on my Spanish. I sent an e mail to my prayer warriors and it went well. Thanks to those of you that prayed!

Friday we had teacher meetings all day, so lots of Spanish. I also included that in my prayer e mail and it went well, so thanks again for those that prayed. We enjoyed cake to celebrate Rafael's birthday : ) Check out the fancy cake in the pictures.  Friday night was low key as I read and chatted with my friend Kayla and my parents.

I got to help decorate for another birthday at school. I think Norma and I could start a business  : ) I was able to chat with my dear friend Shelley.

God gave me many reminders throughout the week that I am making a difference and touching lives. Sometimes I feel like things should be bigger. One of the secondary students gave me a post it with the note I love Miss Sarah : ) We had some good laughs with the secondary kids. Those of you that know me know I like younger kids, but God continues to grow me with older kids.

I was walking home one day and one of the families drove by and the little boy was shouting Adios teacher :  ) Then another day, I saw a different family as I was walking home and the 2 students were waving away, smiling and yelling hola maestra. A friend replied to an e mail and said you are making a difference. Thank you Lord for those little reminders!

Monday, we had a little program at school for United Nations Day. The kids were encouraged to dress in clothes from another country or wear colors of another country. I wore red and white for the U.S. Check out the pictures below.

Sunday the 23rd, Liz invited me to her graduation for a discipleship course she had taken. What a special ceremony. After the ceremony, we hugged and she was crying. She thanked me for all my support and encouragement. Thank you Lord for working on that relationship. Thank you to each of you for praying for that relationship. God has been reminding me it's about the quality of my relationships, not the quantity! 

Saturday the 22nd, we celebrated Norma's mom's birthday with their family. Lots of food, fellowship and Spanish : ) It's always good for me to just listen and see what words I can pick up. It was great meeting more of Norma's family and celebrating, but also made me miss my family. Then I was reminded that my family is safe and healthy and prayed for those that no longer have family with them or don't get along with their family. So thankful for my Mexican and American family!

Friday the 21st, Fanny and her mom came over to help Norma make cheesecakes. Fanny and I played with water beads and then did some coloring. So relaxing! We started watching a movie and then it was time to go. 

Thursday the 20th, we went to Norma's mom's house for her  actual birthday. She cooked for all of us. Norma said she likes to be the one to cook in her kitchen : ) We enjoyed visiting and meeting a couple more family members.

I continue to help Liz study English on Mondays. I have been practicing Spanish on Duolingo, but not as much with Norma as she has been busier. She left Thursday and is gone until Thursday visiting family. They arrived safely, so thanks to those that prayed! Be praying Thursday as they travel home. Be praying for me to be disciplined with my studying of Spanish, even if Norma is busy.

Lots of praises to share, safe travels for Norma and her mom, good weekend with Marlen, good teacher meeting, good health, relationships continue growing, my attitude overall has been good. Thanks again for your love, prayers and support.

Prayer requests.. continue praying for the language as well as relationships. Pray for guidance with the adult English class. Pray that I will manage and use my time wisely. I am easily distracted. Ricardo had his first day at his new job and ended up having to go to the hospital. He has a kidney stone, so pray that passes quickly and the pain is minimal. 

As I mentioned before there are LOTS of pictures. Enjoy!!

Halloween decorations on the walk home

More decorations

The Sign at the Park. Enjoy the beautiful views of the park

Daniel with a little pokey thing on his nose : ) 

Daniel with a snail. Love this little guy so much! He kept                         asking me to take his picture : ) 

Snails on the tree

Pedaling away. We passed the other group : )

Riding on the front

Lyz and I pedaling away 

Sophia peeking out


This is what you call team work

More team work. Next group of photos is fun on the bikes

Sun peeking through the trees

Some of the secondary kids posing for  pictures

The fun playground

Eating : ) 

Relay Fun

Waiting patiently for directions

Enchiladas for lunch. The church usually sells lunch after : ) 

My pretty nails

Look at those fancy nails

Marlen working hard

Mia's nails

Liz's nails

Mia doing my hair

This is the little girl that often imitates me teaching.                                                                             She is going to make a great teacher some day!

More nail fun

Yum, pizza! 

Liz and I

Marlen and Mia

French Fries : ) 

It's like an all meat pizza

Pizza Menu

Sunset as I was walking dogs

Rafeal and his fancy cake

Tacos at school for lunch

Our fancy smocks for our uniforms

Daniel gave me $1000. Too bad it's play money

Note from Mariana, one of the secondary students

We made binoculars to look for jungle animals

Sweet Norma brought me a delicious lunch to school

Birthday decorations

Daniel and I after United Nations program

Ruth, Daniel and I. Love these two

Buying trinkets

Many flags on the walls. Do you see the U.S?

Decorations up front

Primary and Secondary students

Preschool class

Next photos are of Liz's graduation

Fancy balloons. We used those for birthday                                         decorating: ) 

Cake for Norma's mom's birthday

Blowing out the candles

This is what 81 looks like. Love the smile!

Me and My Mexican Family : ) 

My Mexican Family

Grilled meat

Some of supper



I used my fine chopping skills from Larry's Family Pizza to help make this : ) 

Coloring Fun

Actual Birthday : ) 

Views from the roof of Norma's mom's house

School across the street

Getting ready to sell to kids after school

Apartments by the house


It was 55 degrees and some kids came in hats : ) 

Getting ready to cut the cake

taking a break to eat during teacher meeting


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