Happy Monday from Mexico

I want to start by saying thanks so much for prayers for my message on the 19th. I thought it went well. They didn't throw anything for me, so that's a good sign! I may have panicked for a small moment as my translator messaged me that morning saying he was sick. I sent out a few text messages asking for prayers for God to provide another translator. He answered those prayers and Michelle, Norma & Ricardo's daughter agreed to translate for me. Norma read the scriptures, so it was a team effort. I will be honest I didn't want to ask Michelle to translate as she wasn't wanting to attend the event, so I was thinking she wouldn't want to translate or Norma would make her do it and she wouldn't be happy about it. Michelle was very happy to translate. Lord forgive me for having those thoughts and thank you for your faithfulness in providing and that reminder that you don't know unless you ask. I was also thinking this may have been God's way of gettin...