Happy Monday from Mexico

I want to start by saying thanks so much for prayers for my message on the 19th. I thought it went well. They didn't throw anything for me, so that's a good sign! I may have panicked for a small moment as my translator messaged me that morning saying he was sick. I sent out a few text messages asking for prayers for God to provide another translator. He answered those prayers and Michelle, Norma & Ricardo's daughter agreed to translate for me. Norma read the scriptures, so it was a team effort. I will be honest I didn't want to ask Michelle to translate as she wasn't wanting to attend the event, so I was thinking she wouldn't want to translate or Norma would make her do it and she wouldn't be happy about it. Michelle was very happy to translate. Lord forgive me for having those thoughts and thank you for your faithfulness in providing and that reminder that you don't know unless you ask.  I was also thinking this may have been God's way of getting Michelle to this event : )

There were 30 young adults that attended the event. They had worship, a couple other people that shared, I shared and then we all ate. They ended the night with some games, but I went home as it was getting late and I had to teach the next day.  Continue praying for those that attended the event and that they will apply what they heard and that I continue to apply those things in my life as well. Really what I shared could be for friendship, dating or life in general. 

Preparing and sharing for this message was so good for my heart and God reminded me what I need to be doing too. He knows how much I need those reminders.  The main focus was that first you have to love God, because if you don't love God, you can't love others. I also talked about finding people that love God and will bring you closer to God. Then I shared some of the things God reminded me of while I was preparing for the message: pray, follow God's leading, prepare yourself, remain focused and true to yourself, don't be in a rush, trust God's timing, know your worth, keep your eyes on Jesus and His plan! Again, all things I knew, but great reminders. I ended our time together with the song Forever and encouraging them to run after Jesus and see who is running along side them. A friend shared this with me one time and it really spoke to me. Be sure to check out the pictures. I will post a few videos on my Mexico Missions Facebook Page. 

Things at school continue to go well. Monday we had the flag honors and some students got awards for attendance and their work. I am still working on being flexible when things change at the last minute. I thought I was a pretty flexible person, but I am beginning to think different with my time here. The staff and students continue to show me love each and every day. One of the students brought me a beautiful flower last week.

Monday after school, I headed home with Rosa and Rafael as she wanted me to meet some of her family. We stopped to eat on the way home and I had some good American food : ) We just watched some tv that evening and I helped prepare some food for the next day.

Tuesday we spent the day at an outdoor water park with some of Rosa's family celebrating her son and grand daughter's birthdays. I thought we were going to a spa, like a nail spa, so didn't bring a swimsuit. I still enjoyed the beautiful day outside soaking up the sun, fellowshipping and laughing. It was fun to meet her kids, grandkids and a couple friends. They treated me like part of the family. Check out the pictures below. There were so many pools, but they weren't all open.

Visiting this outdoor water park, got me excited for April 2nd. This summer I was having a girl's weekend with some high school friends and we were joking about having a girl's weekend in Mexico while I was here, but it's really happening : ) I had a few people that gave me money and specifically told me to use it to do something fun while I was here. I also had some money saved up from nannying this last summer and we have two weeks of school off in April, so to the beach I am going.

My mom, two sisters and seven friends are coming from the states. Norma, Michelle and I will be taking the bus. We will all be spending five nights at an all inclusive resort. I can't wait to see family & friends and for my Mexican family to meet my family & friends. I also can't wait to just relax, not cook or clean!

Rosa and Rafael live about an hour away, so I had to get up nice and early Wednesday morning to head back to school. While I enjoy my time with Rosa and Rafael, I am thankful that I live close to the church/school. I enjoy my 3 minute walk : ) Sometimes I take little things like that for granted!

A couple of other things I take for granted here are the chirping birds and sunshine. I sent a couple friends a video and they both commented on the chirping birds. I will admit I am now more aware of the chirping birds. That is always one thing I look forward to with Spring and I get to enjoy them all year here. While I am enjoying the sunshine, I do miss the cold days of just laying under a fuzzy blanket. The last few years I have learned to embrace winter and enjoy snowshoeing if it's nice out, so have missed that too. I know my MN people probably think I am crazy!

While I love the sun here, too much sun and my body don't agree, so I have to be careful how much I am in the sun. The sun is much closer and warmer here, so I often only spend an hour or so out in the sun and then go back inside. When I was younger I would help my grandpa bale hay and would have to take salt tablets to sweat. I do sweat a little now, but nothing like my siblings, who sweat just sitting there. I know to limit my time in the sun and to drink LOTS of water if I will be in the sun for a longer period of time.

Friday, we had mini olympics at the park for school. The kids got to run a race, do a long jump and high jump. It was a beautiful morning of being healthy. Be sure to check out pictures. We were planning to eat lunch at the park. I actually thought we were going to be there all day, so didn't bring any books or my computer. Surprise, we went back to school to eat and stayed there for the afternoon. Thankfully, I live close to I could run home and get books and my computer. I thought I handled that change well, so I am getting better at being flexible : )

Saturday morning Norma and I went walking and then I worked on some things at home. My cousin Kristi called, so it was fun catching up with her. We went to visit Norma's mom and had supper with her.

Sunday we went to Sierra Chincua, a huge forest where the Monarch butterflies migrate. This was such an amazing experience. So many butterflies and just being in the forest hiking. I love nature and it was so peaceful. No barking dogs : ) It felt like what heaven might be like. I took some pictures, but they do not do justice. It looked like leaves were falling, but they were butterflies. Be sure to check out the pictures. I will also post some videos on my face book page, but even the videos don't do justice. Ricardo's phone take really good pictures, so I will have to see if he will share some of his pictures and I can share in my next blog. While I have enjoyed all my adventures here, I think this one was my favorite.

Just seeing all the beautiful butterflies and thinking about how they start out as a caterpillar and the process they go through to become a beautiful butterfly and soar. God created each one so unique and beautiful, just like He created each one of us unique and beautiful! Spread your wings and soar to wherever He is calling you!

There are lots of pictures as I took quite a few at the waterpark and lots while visiting the butterflies and on the drive. I just love seeing so much beautiful scenery.

Thankful for the opportunity to share with the young adults and that it went well. Thankful for the young adults that came and Michelle and Norma for translating. Thankful for meeting Rosa's family. Thankful for the amazing and peaceful time with the butterflies. Thankful that God continues to be with me each day and guide each and every step. Thankful for good health. Thankful for prayer warriors, supporters and encouragers back home!

Continue praying for God to guide and direct whatever He has planned for me and my future. I am planning to go back to WDC in the fall, but I also know my plans aren't always the same as His, so being open to what He has planned. Continue praying for peace and unity both at home and school. I think things have improved in both places, but can always be praying. Pray that I will finish the last few months here strong and continue learning the language. Continue praying for finances for the school and construction as they continue building the school.

My phone did a color pop up photo and I thought it                         was fun : ) 

Back View of the Young Adult Night at church

Side view

Worship time

Front view

Another front view

Me and Michelle

Just in the back waiting to give my message : ) 

Group photo with Rosa's family at the birthday                     party
Selfie with Rosa & Rafael

Treats for bags I made for the young adults

Run after Jesus and see who is running along side you

You are loved

Flag honors

Students with awards

Ian wanted me  to get a picture with his award : ) 

More awards

Club sandwich and waffle friends-my good                                                 American food : ) 

View on our drive to water park

Next photos are from the water park

Rosa and Rafael in the hot tub

I soaked my feet in the hot tub

Look at the bubbles

Selfie with green background for my MN peeps : ) 

Soaking up the sun : ) 

Soaking my legs in the pool

Next photos are fun in the pool

Look at those clouds

Looking for pesos

Lots of food

Opening gifts

Time for cake

Frying fish

They fry the whole fish

Close up. I just tried a small bite. It wasn't bad, but                                 no MN fried fish

Chilling in the hot tub

Next photos are of the sun setting

Drive home

My mom and dad sent me a Valentine's card. It                                                                     only took 6 weeks to get here : ) 

Address at my home if you want to send a note : ) 

Love letter from God

My mom is the sweetest! This is the card she sent from them

And some Valentine Jokes!!

Ester, one of the students brought me a flower to                                 school one day

Waiting for the mini olympics to start

Next photos are of the mini olympics

Preschoolers getting ready to run

First graders getting ready to run

2nd graders getting ready to run

5th grade and secondary kids getting ready to run

Receiving awards

Getting ready for the high jump

Next pictures are of the high jump

The long jump

Joe and Corinna giving awards

Ruth working out : ) 

One more high jump

Next pictures on our drive to Siera Chincua, where                                                                 the monarch butterflies migrate to


Waiting to get our tickets to enter

Huge group of butterflies

Starting our hike into the forest

Look at all those steps

Butterflies on the plants

Look at all those butterflies

Next photos are during our walk through the forest.                                                             Again the pictures don't do justice!

Selfie with the butterflies

Those look like little specks, but they are                                             butterflies: ) 

Beautiful sunshine

Selfie in the forest

Selfie with Ricardo and Norma

Family Picture

More pictures of the forest and butterflies

Heading back down

Ricardo and Norma Taking a rest

Michelle taking a rest

Still amazes me all those butterflies

Good bye butterflies

We stopped to take some pictures on the drive                         home

We stopped in the city to eat and walked around a little bit. Next                     photos are of the city, Angangueo


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