Buenas Tardes (Good afternoon/evening)
This post is going to be very raw and real! Yesterday, we had the opening ceremony and rally at school. I was told we wouldn't have class, so didn't have any lessons prepared. Guess what?! We did have class. Thankfully Liz jumped in!
I was feeling very overwhelmed after school because I felt like I wasn't prepared for the day. I also found out I would be teaching 4 grades at in the same room at the same time, all with different books. Sounds fun, right?!
I came home after school and sent out an e mail praise and prayer. Praise that the opening ceremony and rally went well, but prayers as I was feeling overwhelmed. I turned on some worship music and cried with the Lord! After all that I needed to take a nap : ) I just wanted my normal and routine back! I wanted to be able to do things my way! After my nap, I was able to chat with my mom for a bit. Bless her heart for praying and comforting me!
Three different people replied to my e mail and said God and you have got this. That was such a good reminder. I know that, but He knew I needed that reminder, three times to make sure I knew it!! I was also reminded that the kids won't know if things don't go as planned, so it will be great either way and to have fun! Giving myself grace and not expecting perfection was another good reminder! Thanks so much for the prayers! Felt much better last night because of all the prayers! Woke up this morning feeling great about things.
Get to school and ask about the diagnostic tests we were supposed to give this morning and they weren't printed. Another thing out of my control! They got printed later and all was well! Teaching the first class of the day and ask the kids to get their books out. Some of them didn't have them. I will be honest I was very frustrated as things seemed unorganized and a little chaotic to me. We improvised and still did part of the lesson without their books : ) That's what teachers do, they improvise! I learned I need to have many games/activities on hand for when I have to improvise. I know what I have back in my room in the United States. I also have more resources. I am spoiled!! I just need to learn what I have here and have extras to be prepared. Easy fix, nothing to get worked up about. It's so hard to let go of that being in control!
I was surprised that I enjoyed the 7th grade class the most yesterday. I wasn't in the preschool/kindergarten room, but really enjoyed the older kids. God has a sense of humor and knows how to stretch us! Preschool has been my heart for many years! Who knew I would like 7th graders so much! They are just so excited to learn English and think I am the coolest person ever!
I will say again how thankful I am for Norma, Ricardo, Michelle and Marlen. I would be so lonely if I wasn't living with them. I would probably go home every day after school and cry and go to bed at 5 p.m.!! The whole family is great, but Norma especially spoils me. She usually has something ready for breakfast before I leave for school like an apple or smoothie and almost always brings me a lunch to school. My mom spoils me, but she does not deliver lunch to school! The other night I asked Norma for the iron as I needed to iron a shirt and she just did it for me. Most of you know I am a very independent person, so this letting others do things for me has been stretching and good. God is definitely stretching and growing me!
I can't remember if I shared this before or not, so will share it again. Mail here is not a big thing. This is weird for me as I love to send cards. Our family is also a little obsessed with checking mail! It's so weird not checking mail. I am grateful for everyone that took time to send a card to Jenny/mom to send with me here. That has made up for the no mail. I have slowly been opening them and they are just what I need to read.
Let see what else has happened since my last blog?! Friday we finished getting the rooms ready and that evening was pretty low key. We were at school later and I was hot and sweaty, so just decided to come home and shower and relax.
Saturday, I slept in. Had breakfast with the family. Another example of them spoiling me, Ricardo, put my plate together and served me, but didn't do that for anyone else. They treat me like a queen here. The English Queen!! Speaking of English Queen, there are so many adults here that want to learn English. Because I speak English, they all think I can teach them : ) Please join me in praying what God wants me to do with this. I think I may need to take a class to be able to teach them. We shall see!
We also went to the Mexican market Saturday afternoon and got some fruit and veggies. Very large compared to the market in Wadena : ) We enjoyed some raspados (shaved ice). That may become my Saturday ritual. There is a place just a couple blocks from here. Then we went shopping for a white blouse for the opening ceremony at school and out for tacos. Of course Norma and Ricardo paid for going out. This is another thing I just need to work on just saying thanks!
Sunday we went to church, 30 minutes late, but no big deal. There were people that came in after us. Again, I didn't know much of what was being said, but felt the presence of God. Sunday afternoon was relaxing and I was able to zoom with my family, so that was good. Sunday night I unpacked a few more things and relaxed some more. I think I have done more relaxing here in the evenings than I have in a long time.
So there you have it. Thanks again for your many prayers, love, support and encouragement! Please continue to pray for patience and understanding as things don't always go as planned. Pray for continued wisdom, guidance and direction. Pray that I can start picking up on the language. They still talk so dang fast! Pray for peace and comfort as I have been missing home more and my normal and routine!
Praise that we have a couple days of school under our belts. Praise for the family I am staying with! Praise for the great team I get to work with. Praise for other missionaries here that are covering me in prayer and support. Praise for e mails, texts, phone calls, zooms, other things to keep in touch with others while I am here.
Until next time! Enjoy some pictures : )

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