5 months down, 5 months to go : )

 Can you believe I have officially been in Mexico for 5 months? Minus the 2 weeks I was in Minnesota : ) I only 5 more months left. I am officially half way done. That's so crazy! As of now the plan is to fly to Kansas June 12th and stay with my sister and her family for a week or so. Then drive my vehicle back to Minnesota (my niece is borrowing it while I am gone). 

A few things I really enjoyed while I was back home that I forgot to share in my last post: brushing my teeth with faucet water and not having to use bottled water : ) A couple massages, fish fry with friends, gatherings with family! I am sure I didn't get everything, but those were some of my favorites back in MN that I missed in my last post.

While it has just been a week and a couple days since my last post, this post includes LOTS of pictures! Last Sunday, we went on an adventure and this last Saturday we went on another adventure. I was thinking I should have bought a magnet to each city I have visited since I have been in Mexico! Thank you Lord for all these adventures! 

I am just in awe of all of God's beautiful creations. So much goodness on the drives, at the restaurants and in the cities. That was just what my heart needed those two days. Amazing what God's beautiful creations can do for our hearts and souls! Thank you Lord for your unique and beautiful creations! 

As I reflect on this last week and all I got to see and do, I continue to be so thankful for my host family! I think I have shared this before, but honestly not sure that I would still be here if I was living on my own. I love how God knew that I would need this family while I was here in Mexico, especially Norma! I often think about what I would be doing on the weekends if I was living on my own. While our family has struggles like most families, I am so grateful, I get to be a part of this family. God knew we would need each other! I am so grateful for the love they show me and the many adventures they have taken me on. 

Observing all these beautiful and unique creations also got me thinking how each one of us is created unique, beautiful and perfect in God's image! May you remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:13-14 says I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Lord, help each one of us to hold on to this truth!

I don't know about you, but I often compare what I am doing and my looks to others. If only I lost some weight, surely, then I would find a man. If only I had blonde hair or was doing this or that!  When I was home in December, I weighed myself as I knew I had lost some weight, but wasn't sure how much. I had lost 25, maybe 30 pounds. Many people commented on how great I looked, but I still felt like I should lose more weight. Please pray that I would see myself as God sees me. Perfect in His Image! He loves me, no matter how much I weigh, the color of my hair or what I am doing. He even loves me when I am resting!

While I was home in December, I celebrated my birthday with my parents and Margie. Margie gave me a s'mores maker with all the goodies. I decided to bring it all back to Mexico as I had room in my suitcase. I was able to introduce my family to s'mores and they enjoyed them. Be sure to check out the pictures! I think I will bring it to school someday to share with the other staff and students. It will be a special treat!

Last Sunday, we traveled a couple hours to a city called Patzcuaro. We started our day eating at a beautiful, organic restaurant. The inside was beautiful as well as the yard that we were able to walk around in. Be sure to check out pictures. Of course, the food was delicious!

We then went to an overlook spot to view the whole city. It is a very large city. We then enjoyed walking around the house with 11 patios. So many gorgeous gardens and architecture. They had many little shops where you could watch the arts and crafts being made and also purchase them. Lots of green and very historic as it was built in the mid 1700s. Only 4 of original patios remain. 

We went to the park in Patzcuaro where they had many large, hand woven animals and figures. I took many pictures. If you are able, zoom in, so you can see the details. It was so beautiful to walk around the park. They had a nativity scene, angels, shepherds, animals and then some other figures that I am not sure what they were representing. 

We went to a museum with lots of beautiful art, historic things from a school and butterflies that didn't make it to their migration spot. We ended our day stopping by a lake and viewing an island from afar. I am exhausted as I recap this day : ) 

Things at school seem to be going well. Liz was gone our first week back as she was sick. My dear Dani was out all week last week as he was sick. The week is a little different when those special people are missing. But I made it through : ) Thankful for the relationships that are being built here!

Liz had a fun activity for the secondary class. We went outside and they had to write contractions with chalk. She then gave them a water balloon and she told them which contraction to throw it at. They really enjoyed this! Such a great reminder that no matter the age of the students, we need to throw some fun activities in there.

I have been trying to speak more Spanish at the school and boy do the kids get a good laugh out of me. The two words the were laughing at the most were hippopotamus and comb. I just laugh along with them. So good to laugh : ) There was one really big word the secondary class was trying to get me to pronounce. I didn't do very well. Check out the word in the pictures!

My friend Jamie has a book party and gave me some books to bring back to the school. So thankful for her generous heart! The kids were super excited to get some new books. Some in Spanish and some English. We have been learning about sea creatures, so the look and find books have been perfect. Check out pictures with the classes and books from Jamie. 

The secondary kids made cotton candy at school last week. I was super excited fresh cotton candy is one of my favorites. It was okay, but not as good at the St. Ann's Carnival cotton candy! 

Last week I hung out with Liz after school and she made me the most delicious burger! Check out the picture! So thankful for Liz and her love and patience she has shown me. Thankful for her translating as I would be lost without her! 

I continue to be amazed at how hard people here in Mexico work. Whether it's bringing all their stuff to the street to sell it, riding around on a bike to sell stuff, making decorations at school or making juice squeezing the fruit. I made some lime juice last week. It just seems like so much work for such little juice. Maybe I am just lazy! Check out the pictures!

Saturday, we went to Yuriria, a city about an hour from here. Again, so much beautiful creation to take in. We visited a historic Cathederal. I have pictures, but will share a little bit about it here. This Cathederal is one of the most important architectural structures in Yuriria as well as an important icon in the state. It was constructed in 1550 and first was a church. Then it was a seminary school. Now it's a museum with archaelogical and colonial works from Guanajuato. 

This last Sunday, we had the former president from WGM, Hubert and his wife Sarah visiting our church in Floresta. Hubert gave the message in Spanish, but I was actually able to understand quite a bit of it. I think it's cause he talks slower than most Spanish speaking people, but maybe I am finally picking up on the language. Again, as we walked into the service late there were 2 worship songs played that I knew. Thank you Lord for familiar worship songs!

Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that has come up a lot lately for me. Many of you know I have always wanted to be married and have kids, but that hasn't happened. It may not happen. Only God knows! God has been reminding me to just take one day at a time and be thankful for where He has me. He reminds me to stop being so busy wishing I was married that I miss out on the blessings I have. Freedom is one blessing I have as being single. I don't need to check with my husband to go somewhere or make sure I have someone to watch the kids. I definitely wouldn't be on this adventure if I was married and had kids. Seeing the struggles that Norma and Ricardo are going through, makes me appreciate my single life.  I will write some more about this desire and my trusting this another day : ) For now, please pray for me to trust that God has great plans. For me to keep my eyes on Him and His will, not my will! 

Well, I think that's enough for now. Thanks for taking time to see how things are going. Praising God for His beautiful creations that I get to enjoy while I am here in Mexico, my host family, my school and church family. I think we are all back to good health-thank you Lord! Thankful for technology to keep in touch with family and friends. So thankful for the many prayer warriors, supporters and encouragers that are here with me on this adventure!

Please be praying for Norma and Ricardo's marriage as well as just the whole family-He knows and He cares! Be praying for God to continue to guide and direct His plans for me. Pray that I can be better with my quiet time and taking time to listen to what He has for me. Lately, I have being doing my devotions like a duty, but I need to remember I GET to spend time with God. Lord, help me to enjoy that time and be still! Prayers for the school as we have had some emotional and financial struggles. I will share more about that another day too. 

The pictures are all mixed up as some I took and some I got from the family, but they didn't send until later. 

One of the historic churches in Patzcuaro

Street decoartions in Patzcuaro

Handmade camel in Patzcuaro

Close up with decorations

Few photos of me, Norma & Michelle in the beautiful yard at the restaurant

Close up in the yard at restaurant

Handmade elephant in Patzcuaro

At the museum in Patzcuaro

Street shot of Patzcuaro

Another shot with the church in the background

Sun peeking through the trees

Love the design on this door in Partzuaro

S'mores maker with all the goodies : ) 

Norma roasting her marshmallow

Norma I and roasting our marshmallows

Family Selfie : ) 

The smiles say it all

Waiting patiently 

Norma's first bite : ) 

Getting golden brown

Ricardo ready to try his first bite 

My delicious s'more

Michelle getting ready to try her first bite

Norma thought I needed a picture too : ) 

Norma said the s'more was better with the white marshmallow verses the pink one

Not the same as a campfire, but still delicious

The next photos are from our drive to                                                                                                            Patzcuaro Sunday morning. Amazing all the                                                                                                    different scenery we saw-mountains, trees, lakes                                         and so much green!

Mountains in the distance


Close up of the lake

Very dry and rocky

Look at the tunnel

Getting closer

In the tunnel : ) 

Close up of mountains

Trees, looks like home : ) 

Part of the beautiful restaurant we ate at Sunday                         morning

Inside where they have different things for sale

Seating in restaurant

The yard at the restaurant

Another inside photo

Such beautiful tables and chairs and so much green

Center piece at our table

Few shots of the menu at the restaurant

It was a chilly morning, so we all had hot cocoa to warm up

Look at all that delicious food

Family breakfast selfie : ) 

Close up of my meal-bagel sandwich with, salad,                                                 few chips and guacamole

They even had live music. It was so calming and                         relaxing!

Beautiful plants at the restaurant

Selfie in all the green : ) 

The pictures don't do justice, but this restaurant had                                             the most beautiful yard. 

I may have went a little photo crazy! 

Enjoy the MANY scenic pictures from the yard at the restaurant

Selfie in the sun : ) 

Ricardo, Norma & Michelle chilling on the bench

Girl Power on the bench

Next few photos are the streets in Patzcuaro

We went to a spot where we could overlook the                                                                                             whole city. Next few photos are shots of the city. 

Close up of one of the buildings

Fun decoration from where we were viewing

Some more city shots, very large city

This is our view from the top of the spot

Some more plant shots

Stairs we walked down, so now the bottom of where we were

What a beautiful view

Norma thought I should have a picture on the steps : ) 

Street shot

These next several photos are of the house with 11                                                                patios.  So many beautiful plants!

Name of the city we were visiting

Beautiful architedture

Fun Pinatas

One of the shops, soaking their goods before they work

Final picture at the house with 11 patios

Leaving the house with 11 patios

Hand woven balls to form a Christmas tree

Next many photos are of the park in Partzcuaro. 

Not sure if you can zoom in on the photos, but if                                         you can, you should. Camel

All the animals & figures are hand made. So detailed and beautiful

Elephant. Look how big it is!

Not sure what's with the faces on these ones

First missionary in Partzcuaro

Beautiful handmade Nativity Scene

Angels singing

Very large Christmas tree

Water fountain and view of park

People selling their home made crafts

Beautiful building and trees


Sheep : ) 

Side view of animals

Couple more street views

Next few shots are of a historic church

A museum we visited in Partzcuaro

Many of the butterflies that didn't make it to the                                     migration spot

Old library in the school

Room full of art work

Historic Church

We stopped to visit the lake

Island in the distance

Some people going out for a ride

The sky was even beautiful

The sun shining so bright

Beautiful trees

Next few photos were on the drive home

The bulletin board at school. All hand made and                                                                                          painted by hand. I am still amazed at their creativity.

Fun activity Liz did with the secondary class and                                                     working on contractions. 

Waiting to throw their water balloon

Next few pictures are of the students throwing                                                                                               water balloons at the contraction Liz told them to                 hit. 

Look at that mess : ) So much fun

Delicious cheeseburger with onion rings that Liz                                     made for me : ) 

It was a big one, but so yummy!

The secondary class was trying to get me to                                                                                         pronounce this word. I didn't do very well! 

View from the roof patio one evening

Beautiful sunset as I was out walking dogs.                                                             Pictures don't do it justice

One of the sweet students gave me this gift when she came back from our break!

Primary class with some donated books from my                                                                                           friend Jamie that I brought back from MN.  Missing                     2 students.

Secondary class with the donated books. Missing 2                     students. 


Preschool class with some of the donated books.                                                 Also missing 2 students.

This is what happens when they work you too hard at school?                                                                     You need a nap! I couldn't keep her awake, so just let her take a nap : ) 

I was excited about cotton candy that the secondary class made.

Doesn't it look delicious?

Secondary students hard at work : ) 

Look at all these limes

This is how much juice I got!

Then added some water

Walking in Yuriria

Historic Cathederal in Yuriria 

The city we visited on Saturday. About and hour                             from here

Inside the restaurant we ate at

People are always walking around selling things.                                                                 We bought some mini pies for later

My American Breakfast : )

Street of Yuriria

You always see people hauling things around on                                 their backs

Beautiful Christmas tree and part of the Cathederal

Another view of Cathederal

So many trees

Buildings in the city

So green

Next photos are of the many beautiful God's                                 creations

Little pond area with fish swimming around

Can you see the fishy?

The Cathederal

Always got to get a picture of me : ) 

Entry to the Cathederal

It was built in 1550

Next photos are inside the Cathderal

View outside from Cathederal

Orange tree

Many more beautiful plants

Looking down from the 2nd level

View from the balcony

Norma and I

Norma, Michelle and I

Selfie with city in the background

So many historic things in the Cathederal

Beautiful architecture

Nativity scene outside the Cathederal

More beautiful scenery

Big Christmas tree

More beautiful scenery

Different animals on the side of the wall

Walking the streets of Yuriria

Colorful houses

We drove around the courtyard

We stopped at the lake

We tried to throw rocks in the tire. I hit it once.                                             Ricardo got one in.

Ricardo skipping rocks

Norma trying to skip a rock

Beautiful bird in the air

Norma and I

Lunch at church yesterday : ) 


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