
Last Saturday we watched another movie as a family. It's been good having that time as a family. Continue praying for the family. Norma was sharing today that she was feeling anxious and sad as she was thinking about the past. God continues to remind me that ministry is just sitting and listening and watching a movie when Norma asks to watch a movie, even though I had other things to do. They will still be there. Thank you Lord that you knew this family, especially Norma would need me and I would need her!

Norma is always so calm and peaceful. She is always doing things for others and giving her money to others. She is such a great example of how God wants us to treat others. Her heart for the Lord and others continues to amaze me. Her faith is also such a great example. Thank you Lord for Norma and her heart and faith. Help me to be more like her! 

The other day on face book I saw a post that said God is going to send you to places you don't feel qualified to go. God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Boy did this speak to me! I remember when I first was e mailing Serena about this opportunity in Mexico and I said I have never taught English thinking surely they don't want me to come teach. She responded with that's okay, you speak the native language. Here I am teaching English! Thank you Lord that you continue to qualify and equip me to serve you here in Mexico.

I had lots of time to think on Monday as we were traveling and I was thinking about how I thought I was coming her to just teach English. It was so awesome to think about the many other things God has used me for while I have been here. Encouraging others, listening ear, loving others, sharing my testimony, sharing a message on true friendship and dating, bringing awareness to financial needs and prayers for the school, hard lessons, hard days, growing in my faith, rest, adventures, reminder of attitude and gratitude. All that in just 7 months! Thank you Lord that you are using me here for more than I could ever imagine! Continue to use me and help me to have eyes, ears, and a heart that is open to your plans.

God continues to remind me to keep working on my attitude. This sentence from a devotion was very powerful to me...If we change the way we think, we'll change the way we act and react. We never who is watching us and how we react. Lord, help me to react in a calm and loving way, so that others will see you through me, especially in those moments when things change unexpectedly. 

Praising the Lord as google translator picked up most of the message last Sunday. The message was on praising God, even in hard times and being obedient, even when it may not make sense. Both great reminders for me. The song I can only imagine was playing when we came in and they played it again at the end. Thank you Lord for familiar worship songs and reminders in sermons!

Sunday afternoon I was able to zoom with the family and that's always good : ) Then we went to Norma's sister's house to celebrate her birthday. Good food, fellowship and fun!

I am thankful for the gift of listening. I am a pretty quiet person, even in the states, but extra quiet here as I am still learning the language. Some people would go crazy sitting there and just listening to the conversation, but I honestly don't mind. I listen and try to pick up words here and there. I also hope they don't ask me any questions : ) 

Monday morning we got up bright and early as we were planning to leave at 5:30 a.m. I think we left a little after 7, but it's all good : ) I have gotten better with the time thing in Mexico.  I also found out Sunday night that the drive was 12 hours and not 8. Let's just say it was a long day of travel, but travels went well. Thank you Lord for safe travels! I did some reading, practiced Spanish, resting, enjoyed the beautiful scenery and just thinking about all God has done since I have been here. 

It was a little bit of a bumpy ride. My fit bit said I got 40,000 steps that day, even though I was in the van most of the day : ) It was fun to be with Norma, Francisco, Marivel, Liz, Rosa and Rafael.

It was a 2 day training for LAM. LAM is the platform and curriculum we use at the school. While we did get to observe at a couple schools, we had some training, worship and great speakers. Thankful that google translate was able to pick up most of the messages. It was so cool to see so many people gathering together for Christian Education. God is doing BIG things in Mexico.

It was also fun to visit the two different schools and see how they do things. We even got to watch some lessons from some of the teachers. Praying that those that attended can bring some of the ideas back to the school in Floresta. It will be exciting to see what God has planned with the school in Floresta. 

We traveled back home Thursday and again travels went well. It was great to be a part of the training, but it was great to be back home. Home sweet home : ) Be sure to check out pictures from our visit as well as the fun we had and beautiful creations we got to see. 

I had one day with the kids at school this week. We enjoyed the s'mores maker and making bowling games with toilet paper rolls. So much fun in one day. Check out the pictures below. God continues to remind me with the smiles of the children how much I am making a difference. It was so good to get hugs from staff and students when I came back on Friday. I missed them all!

Saturday morning I made an American breakfast for our family-french toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. Norma cut up some strawberries. It was delicious and they enjoyed it. We only use the stove top, so this was something I could make : ) I have made grilled cheese a few times and Michelle loves those. So simple, but so good.

I also decided to finally rearrange my room, so my bed can be closer to the ceiling fan. It's always fun to have a new room arrangement and a freshly cleaned room as well as bedding! Last night we just hung out at the house. Thankful for lazy weekends!

Today, I went to church with Josais, the music teacher from school, and his family. I will be honest, I was a little nervous when he asked me to join him and his family for church and eating afterwards. First off, he is only at school two days a week for like an hour, so I usually just see him in passing. I honestly don't know him very well. Second, he doesn't speak much English and you know I am not fluent in Spanish. Third, I think it's just for fellowship, but of course my mind goes to what if he likes me. I joked with some family and friends as long as he didn't say quieres ser mi novia (do you want to be my girlfriend) I would be good. Then I imagine God just shaking His head and laughing at me as I have been praying for a Godly man. He is thinking do you even know what you want. One of my friends joked that I need to pray for a Godly man that speaks English : ) 

All that to say, it went well! They picked me up about 10 and I had actually met his sister, brother in law and 3 nieces back in November at the Pastor's Retreat. Plus the brother in law and nieces speak some English. Those were both comforting to me. After church, we met his parents at the restaurant and I had met them at Pastor's retreat too. What a small world! They were all so welcoming at Pastor's retreat and were so sweet today too.  His mom actually asked if I would come share my testimony sometime at their church, so I will line a date up for that. Thank you Lord for another opportunity to share. Thank you for good fellowship, food and fun with more friends.

Again, google translate picked up most of the message today. Thank you Lord. I sat in the front row : ) The message was on peace and being thankful. Weird : ) He also talked about how we need to dress out hearts to show God to others. I am a child of God was the familiar worship song. Thank you Lord for familiar worship songs! We enjoyed some delicious chicken, chips, salad and dessert at the restaurant. Check out pictures below. 

Thank you Lord for safe travels on Monday and Thursday and a great time at training and fellowshipping with others from school.

Thank you Lord for google translate and that is has been picking up, so I can take in trainings and messages.

Thank you that some donations have come in for the school.

Thank you for the gift of listening and the reminder that ministry is sometimes just sitting and listening and watching a movie with Norma when she's sad.

Thank you for Norma and her heart for you and others as well as her faith.

Thank you for prayer warriors, encouragers and supporters back home.

Please be praying as Liz is gone this week, so that means I get to translate. Trusting Google Translate will work : ) I also GET to teach the secondary class, which is not my gift. Pray I will have a good attitude and it will go well. 

Continued prayers for the school-peace, unity, financially and with construction.

Prayers for safe travels Friday, Saturday night and Sunday. Norma, Michelle and I will start traveling Saturday about 11 p.m. and travel by bus through the night to the beach. Family and friends from the states will be traveling Friday and Sunday morning. Pray our time at the beach will be refreshing and enjoying for everyone.

Continued prayers for my attitude and to finish strong!

Continued prayers for the family as some days are harder than others. 

Feel free to check out the many pictures!

Saw this on facebook and was a good reminder that God called me to Mexico and continues to qualify me to serve here! 

Worship this morning at the church I visited

Delicious lunch-chicken, chips and salad

Inside the restaurant we went to

Delicious Dessert

Few group pictures with Josias and his family

Norm's sister's birthday

Another birthday picture

Waiting for the training to start Pastor Francisco,                                                                 Liz and Maribel on the other side

Rafael, Rosa, Me, Pastor Francisco and Liz 

Rosa washing dishes 

Liz and I making s'mores

Rafael and Francisco relaxing

Norma and I on the bus

   One of the classrooms at one of the schools we                                                                     visited. Look at all those students

Another classroom at the school

Next few pictures on the sunset on the drive back                             to Floresta

Next photos are scenic pictures on the drive to                                                                            Parral. God's creations are amazing!

Next photos are of the sunset on the way to Parral.                                                                                         Again, so beautiful. I may have went a little crazy                                             with the pictures : ) 

I got to make french toast and scrambled eggs for                                breakfast : ) 

Beautiful view from the window at the house we                                                     stayed at. Sun was rising

Beautiful view of the city

Curriculum for teachers to look at

Look at the fun robotics activities

Our group learning lots : ) 

Look at all these people gathered for Christian                             Education!

Worship time

Part of the school we were having the training at

Demonstration from a couple teachers

Empty classroom

Sun setting on Tuesday night

Selfie with Liz roasting marshmallows

Next photos are enjoying the s'mores

A couple more scenic picures

Bulletin board at the other school we went to visit

Visiting classrooms at the other school. So many                             students! 

Play ground

Preschool classroom

Eating area

Gym area at the first school we were at

Lovely green plants at school

Playing kickball

Another view of the school

Auditorium area 

Few more classroom pictures

Computer lab

Another shot of computer lab

Next photos are of a preschool room-this is what I                         know : ) 

Couple play ground pictures

Next photos are of a kindergarten room

Sunrising Thursday morning

Beautiful trees

Grabbing some breakfast before we head home

Bright sunshine!

Couple more scenic pictures

I brought the s'mores maker to the preschool class                                                                         on Friday

Making bowling pins out of toile paper rolls

Next photos are s'mores fun

Next photos are bowling fun

My American Breakfast


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