Happy Almost Friday
It seems like it has been so long ago since my last post, but it will have been 2 weeks tomorrow. Now it has been 2 weeks and 1 day. I started this on Tuesday and am now finishing it. Honestly, it seems like so long ago that I was on vacation. So crazy how sometimes it seems like things just happened and then other times, it seems like it was forever ago.
I enjoyed a few days with Joe and Corinna on the last part of my vacation from school. It's always great to hang out with them and visit. While I was there, I was able to be a part of their ministry visit with the board of directors. It was very encouraging to listen to Joe and Corinna share all the things God has been doing at Bella Vista. They shared construction work that has been done as well as ministry on Saturday evenings with the kids. They also shared ideas for upcoming health fairs and Corinna is starting Zumba classes as well as starting a breakfast program. God is on the move!
I was able to make some Wild Rice Soup while I was there. It was delicious and a little piece of home. I ended making another batch to bring home to share with my family. They liked it : ) Other than hanging out and visiting, we went to the mall and played some Rummy. I won Rummy : ) We thought we were attending a visitation for the mother of a friend of ours, but we ended up showing up half way through the service-opps. We were able to hug a few people after the service, so it was good to be there for support, even if we were late. I was able to see a student that no longer comes to our school anymore while there, so that was so good!
As we walked into church on Sunday the 16th the song, The Stand was playing. If you are not familiar with this song, it talks about offering our heart completely to God. These words really hit me...So I'll Stand with arms high and heart abandoned in awe of the one who gave it all. I'll stand my soul Lord to you surrendered all I am is yours. I prayed that morning before church asking God to speak to me and I feel this song did exactly that. Thank you Lord for the reminder that I need to completely offer my heart to you and surrender everything and leave it there!
I was thankful that google translate picked up most of the message. The message was about David and how he was a man after God's heart. Again, I think God was reminding me to be a woman after God's heart. Lord, help me to be obedient, organized, brave and trust you with everything! Thank you for messages that speak to the heart!
At the closing of the service, there were 5 people that accepted Christ. So exciting to see these people make that choice. I just imagined a celebration in heaven as this was happening. There was also a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary. The husband played a song and sang for his wife in front of the whole church. So sweet! So much goodness in just one service. Lord that you that you are faithful!
Last Monday, Norma, Ricardo and Michelle brought Fran to a new home. Fran is a puppy that Michelle found in the street a few months ago and brought him home with the intentions of giving him to someone else. I don't think they planned to keep Fran as long as they did. All that to say it was very sad for her to give Fran away. Honestly, I was happy as he's a puppy and not trained and he got the other dogs wound up.
Monday night at supper, Michelle was crying as she was missing Fran. Norma says "this is what we will be like when you go back home. We will be sad and crying." Then Michelle says "we will be crying more." I almost started crying at the table. Again, I know how much Norma will miss me, but still surprised at how much Michelle will miss me. Thank you Lord for this great family. May we cherish these last 7 weeks we have together.
It was great to be back in school with the students and other staff last week. Monday during our zoom time with Mrs. Gallant, we opened gifts from each other's classes. When my mom came to Mexico she brought a gift for our class from Mrs. Gallant's class and then when she went home she brought our gift back for Mrs. Gallant. This was so much fun for all the kids.
We enjoyed listening to If you Give a Mouse a Cookie in English and Spanish. Mrs. Gallant gave us the two books with a stuffed mouse. While reading the kids enjoyed a cookie and treats. Mrs. Gallant's Class made a book for our class and even had some Spanish words in the book. Our class colored a picture for each friend in Mrs. Gallant's class to take home. Check out a couple pictures : )
Last week, our director, Karen finished her time with us as she accepted a new position somewhere else. We are happy for her new opportunity, but sad for us. Our primary class made cards/pictures for her. You know me and how I love to make cards, so shared that love with the class. We took a group picture with her and our cards.
Wednesday the 19th Norma and I went to prayer time at the church. This last Wednesday, Norma, Ricardo and I all went to prayer time. We usually start with worship and then the Pastor gives a little message. Then they take some time to pray. It lasts 1-2 hours, but honestly doesn't seem long at all. Such a powerful time with the message and prayer. We talked about how we need to be a part of prayer time and not just by standers. We also talked about how precious our prayer time should be.
I honestly need to work on my prayer time. I usually do my devotions, but don't always take that time to be still and listen to what God has to say. I need to spend more time in prayer. I have been trying to stop as soon as someone texts or asks me to pray and pray right then. I may just pray alone or I may send them a text message with a prayer. Lord, help me to remember I GET to spend time with you and come to you with praises and prayers!
Friday I went with my friend Raquel and her boys for the weekend. Friday night we enjoyed some pizza and hanging out as her son had Tae Kwon Doe. One of our previous students lives right next door, so I was able to see her. So good to see Alice and meet her puppies. Check out a few pictures : ) We also enjoyed a picnic in the park, visiting, watched a couple movies and just relaxed. Sweet Raquel prayed for me and thanked God for my life before we left Sunday morning for church. So thankful for the relationship with Raquel and her boys!
I got a card in the mail from my dear friend Brenda last week : ) Made my day. My address is in the pictures if you care to send a card or letter. It takes about a month, so I wouldn't send any later that May 5th. I also got a Christmas card from another dear friend Joy.
Sunday was another great message at church. No familiar worship songs, but google did pick up the message : ) It was talking about the seeds we plant. Are we being sowers of God's word? I was getting ready to head home after church and all the sudden heard someone yell "TEACHER". Dani came running down the steps and gave me the biggest hug ever : )
This week is Norma's last week helping at the school. She will be helping Ricardo with his new business that he is in the process of starting. Norma will be missed too. This lady donated her time and her and Ricardo have also donated lots of money to the school. Please be praying for Norma and Ricardo as they are in the process of beginning a new business. May they be blessed in this new adventure.
Mexico celebrates El Dia Del Nino, Children's Day on April 30th. This week we had crazy week at school, so each day we had a crazy dress up day. Monday was crazy hair day. Tuesday was crazy hat and crazy sock day. Wednesday was pajama day. They are so creative with their ideas for dressing up! Be sure to check out pictures below.
Liz and I studied one day this week and then another day we just watched a movie and had some pizza. Liz has had some struggles this week, so I was able to pray for her. God answered those prayers. Thank you Lord! Yesterday, we were visiting after the movie and she said I know you are waiting for your husband and kids, but you are touching so many lives. You are showing so much love to so many people here and you have the biggest heart ever. She was crying and I was crying. So thankful for my relationship with Liz and her daughter Mia.
The one day in the secondary class the students were asking if I had a husband and I said no, I need to find a man first. Liz says it's close, don't be scared. Then the one day we were studying and she says you have one month to find a husband in Mexico : )
I am still waiting to see what God has planned. I have watched a few people here struggle with their relationships, so honestly I am thankful for my single season right now. I have not been looking and I also don't have anyone knocking at my door : ) Time will tell.
Today, we went to a grandma of one of the students to celebrate with the children. We had a snack when we got there. Listened to a puppet show and did some dancing. Enjoyed swimming and water guns. Then we ate some lunch and ended out time with a pinata and a couple games. What a fun day! Be sure to check out pictures.
Many churches will do some special games, songs, activities and treats for the children this weekend. I am actually headed to a ranch with my friend Raquel and her boys. We will celebrate there, so I will be sure to share about that in my next blog post : )
While I was home in December, my dear friend Sandy gifted me a book, Calm my Anxious Heart with a journal. My dear friend Brenda and I decided to do this book/bible study together. We started a couple weeks ago. I am still a work on progress in being content. Let me share the prescription for contentment that was in the first chapter of the book.
1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything-not even the weather!
2. Never picture yourself in any other circumstance or someplace else.
3. Never compare your self with another's.
4. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
5. Never dwell on tomorrow-remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.
May you let God infuse you with His strength that leads to contentment. May He become your breath, your joy, your worship and your total strength! May He calm your anxious heart!!
Praise that God is working here in Mexico and that He is using me, Joe, Corinna and other missionaries to help with His work!
Praise for my family that continues to love and care for me here in Mexico.
Praise for the relationships that continue to keep building!
Praise for messages that speak to the heart and precious prayer time with other believers.
In my last post, I said Rafael fell and broke and arm and rib. It was actually his wife Rosa. Please be praying for healing in her body.
Pray for transitions at school as we have a couple new staff. Also be praying for the staff and students to finish the year strong.
Pray for Norma and Ricardo as the are in the process of beginning a new business. Also continued prayers for their marriage.
Pray for Michelle and that God would get a hold of her heart. She is not interested in church right now.
Pray for wisdom as I get to share with a church on May 7th. Pray that I would be an encouragement to the people in the church.
Pray that I would completely offer my heart to God and fully surrender EVERYTHING to him and leave it there. Pray that I will be content in ALL circumstances.
Join me in the month of May in praying for the students at Centro Educativo Alfarero. I will be e mailing the calendar to my prayer people. If you are not on that list and would like a calendar, send me an e mail and I will send it to you-sarahstein@yahoo.com
Enjoy some photos from the last couple weeks!

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