Less than 3 weeks in Mexico, crazy!!
Last Saturday night, we went to our neighbors for supper and to visit as their daughter got a new job and will be moving. These neighbors are so sweet and have welcomed me with open arms just like everyone else. I remember the day of my birthday I was walking home and the neighbor lady happened to be outside and she gave me the biggest hug and wished me a happy birthday.
Sunday at the end of the service they had all the teachers from school and the Sunday School teachers come to the front. They prayed for all of us as Monday was Teacher's Day in Mexico. They even gave each of us a rose.
Sunday, the students and teachers had an Entrepreneur Fair after church. Each classroom sold a different food to raise funds for the school. Plus there were tacos for sale by parents of the school. Thank you Lord for the food that was brought and for the people that bought the food.
Sunday afternoon, I was able to zoom with our whole family. Each Sunday those that can make it on zoom, but of course we don't all make it every Sunday. It was nice to have everyone together for Mother's Day, even if it was on zoom. Thank you Lord for technology that a family can gather together in 2 different states and 2 different countries.
Monday we had the day off of school for Teacher's Day. I ended up working on a project I started a while back. I took pictures from each unit and printed them and laminated them, but finally got them cut out and organized by unit and grades. It was nice to get that somewhat finished. I realized I was missing some pictures, so got those printed and need to laminate and organize. Hopefully Liz will keep them for next year and use them each year.
Tuesday we had a little program at school for Teacher's Day. Each classroom did a little dance, skit or song. Then they gave each teacher a certificate, planner and we got to each pop a balloon to win prize. After the program the students left and the parent board served all the staff a lunch. They truly honored us for Teacher's Day.
Tuesday was an emotional day. I was really missing home. I think because there has been a lot of non routine things happening it has been harder for me. That also means extra Spanish. I have shared this before, but I am a very orderly person, so like to know what is happening and when. I thought I was flexible until I came to Mexico.
I reached out to some prayer warriors through text and also shared the emotions I was having with our Wednesday morning prayer group on zoom. Let's just say I was a basket case Wednesday morning on our zoom call. So many emotions and I know they will be up and down the next 3weeks as well as when I get back home.
Wednesday morning before I had my time of sharing in the zoom, Serena shared with me that she had gotten such a great evaluation on me. I don't remember her exact words, but something like she's never had a missionary with such high recommendations. Thank you Lord that you knew I needed that word of encouragement that morning.
Then Lydia another missionary was sharing Joshua 1:9 and she said Sarah I think about you and how He will be with you even when you go back home. That verse has been a verse close to my heart before coming here, lots while I am here and yes, will continue to be when I go home. Thank you Lord for another reminder that you knew I needed.
As we were ending our meeting, Serena said may you go into your day with strength and peace. That's exactly what I did and it was such a good day. So thankful for prayer warriors and how God answers our prayers. He cares about everything, even our emotions!
Wednesday night Norma and I went to prayer time and it was another powerful night of prayer. They talked about how we need to be intercessory prayer people. They always have a time at the end where people can go to the front and just spend time in prayer and then someone prayers over you.
Thursday we had a math fair at school. We had this earlier in the year, so I knew what to expect : ) We had four different stations and the kids took turns coming to each station. My station was marshmallow shapes. They used toothpicks and marshmallows to build 2-d and 3-d shapes. I had the 3-d shapes for the older students, but many of the younger kids did them too. I was impressed. They also could do basketball math, a number/counting matching game and try to do a puzzle with beating the time. Check out the pictures.
Thursday I did some laundry and cleaning after school. Then I got to enjoy a massage. Thank you Lord that Liz has introduced me to her aunt that does massages.
Friday our preschool class had our last zoom with Mrs. Gallant's class. Another bittersweet day! We did a few songs about body parts and emotions, listened to a feelings story in Spanish. Then we ended our time together making a special treat. We had cookies. We added frosting and other treats for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. They were delicious! Check out the pictures.
Friday, I went to Raquel's after school. We enjoyed some Chinese food for supper and then went to visit another teacher that hasn't been feeling well. We made some s'mores after we got back home. It's been a while since I have had the s'mores maker out : ) One of our previous students lives near Raquel, so she came over and made s'mores with us.
Sweet Raquel gave me a jacket and a glass shaped heart with some marshmallows. I gave her a shirt that my friend Ashley made when I was home in December. My next few weekends are busy, so this was our last weekend to spend together. Bittersweet : ) Raquel and her boys have always welcomed me into their home!
Saturday we had a ladies devotional time at church. There were so many ladies there. So neat to see so many ladies coming together to fellowship, worship the Lord and grow closer to Him. We enjoyed breakfast, worship, a speaker and some prayer time. Damary, the speaker, is another missionary serving in Mexico. Her and her family are from Honduras and serve as teachers. I see her every Wednesday on zoom, but this was the first time meeting her in person. She gave a powerful message on being sealed with the Holy Spirit.
Norma's mom and 2 sisters came over afterwards and we visited and hung out. It was LOTS of Spanish on Saturday : ) Thankfully I was able to talk to my parents that night and have a little English : )
Sunday, I traveled with Pastor Francisco, Maribel, one of their daughters and another couple from church. We drove about 2 hours to another church as Pastor Francisco was giving the message. They had a young boy start the service by reading scripture and praying. This made me smile as I have always been an advocate for involving kids in the service. That same boy read more scripture and prayed for the offering. They also had a group of kids sing the song at the closing of the service.
At the end of the service they had the kids list the books of the Bible in the Old Testament and the adults listed the Books of the Bible in the New Testament. Then they all quoted many scriptures. So encouraging to watch and listen to all of them.
The message was on how God is with us wherever we go! Weird : ) Remember the verse that Lydia shared with me on Wednesday. Be strong and courageous seems to be coming up a lot lately. Thank you Lord that you know that I need those reminders. Give me strength and courage to finish my time here well!
I continue to be in awe at how everyone just offers so much love here in Mexico. Everyone was so welcoming in both churches yesterday. They always say my house is your house and they truly mean it. You mean someone one and you are like besties!
Sunday afternoon we headed an hour back home and stopped at another church where Pastor Francisco was giving a different message. I was excited as there were people I knew here and the spoke English. Corinna was there with Bill and Lydia and a missions team from Ohio. I see Bill and Lydia on our Wednesday morning prayer zooms, but again had never met them in person. It was so good to give them a hug and meet them in person. It was also good to see Corinna and meet some of the missions team.
The message was about how we need to be full of faith and joy. Google translate didn't work at the beginning, but thankfully it started working later. Thank you Lord for technology to help me understand another language.
There were familiar worship songs at both churches, so that always makes me smile. I enjoy the other worship songs too, but they don't always have words displayed so then I can't sing along. Thank you Lord for familiar worship songs!
Last night I watched the Marco video from Emily's Barn, where I attend when I am in Minnesota and they had the song Here I am to Worship, which we also sang at the one church here in Mexico. At prayer time, James prayed for me and that I would finish strong and that God would use me until the day I leave. That was powerful. Lord, help me to have open eyes, ears, and heart to serve you with all my heart these last few weeks.
Today was a pretty good day at school for a Monday : ) We have our secondary class and preschool class for 2 hours on Monday, so sometimes that gets to be a little long, but we made it through. I helped Norma make supper and then we went and helped clean the park.
Thank you Lord that you are with me wherever I go! Thank you for the reminders of that this week!
Thank you for the opportunity to visit a couple other churches in Mexico with Pastor Francisco and others.
Thank you that I was able to meet a few of the other Mexico missionaries in person.
Thank you for the relationships you have built here.
Thank you for the love from so many here in Mexico. That's just small fraction of your love! Thank you for your love that never fails, never gives up and never runs out on me!
Thank you for the many prayer warriors, supporters and encouragers!
Thank you for helping me have a better attitude and deal with my emotions.
Thank you Lord for healing my body and that I have been feeling well.
Continued prayers to sleep well. I shared last time, I have been waking up early. This is still happening some days, but not everyday. Thank goodness!
Please continue praying for strength to finish strong. That I will let Him use me until the day I leave!
Pray for my eyes, ears and heart to be open to what He has planned. Not only my last 3 weeks here in Mexico, but once I get back home. I want to do His will, not mine!
Three weeks from today, I will be traveling back to the states, so please be praying that the day will go well. Flights will be on time and safe travels.
Continued prayers for my attitude and emotions. It's like a wild roller coaster ride!
Continued prayers as the build the school. They have a work team from Ohio working on construction this week.
Pray for students and staff as we finish out the school year. They aren't done until July 3rd. Pray they all finish strong! My teacher friends know how the end of the school year can be : )
There are a lot of pictures as I took quite a few at my station during the math fair. I try to be in the moment, but I also like to get pictures so that I can remember the moments. There are times where I forget something happened until I see the picture. I am too young for this!
Pastor Francisco Giving the message last night

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